Here’s why I will not gain wings when I die…

There is a common misconception that when saved humans die, they become angels.

To begin, angels and humans were both created by God. Angels were created to be in Heaven with God, to praise and work for God. There are different types of angels (Seraphim, Cherubim, Archangels…) just as there are different humans.  Humans were created with a soul and are lower in rank. (Psalm 8:5–  “You have made them [human beings] a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor.”)

I once BELIEVED that we gained wings when we die… but as I went to church, I learned this is not so.

Nowhere in the Bible does it say that humans become angels. When a human does die, their soul separates from their body. The soul of a believer goes to be with Jesus and receives a new body and the soul of an unbeliever will be forever tormented in a lake of fire (Revelation 20:11-15). It takes more than just saying that we believe in God to get in… it’s a simple thing but not everyone knows or understands it. Please help others understand that being a Christian is a daily struggle! The difference is asking forgiveness, asking Jesus in your heart and to be your guide through all things and to spread the good news of Jesus with others.. He commands it. To just say that we believe there is a God isn’t enough. Do our actions reflect Jesus? Do we forgive people of their trespasses even when they do not forgive us? Do we volunteer or help someone that is less fortunate than ourselves? Do we turn away from worldly pleasures that constantly bog down our televisions, social media and society?

I don’t want to get to far away from my point… that I will NOT become an angel when I die. I will try daily to be better than the day before and when my time comes, I will await the Lord to give me a new body. One day, I do hope to live with Jesus on a new Earth as is promised! Fellow Christians, has anyone else wondered what this new Earth will be like? I think of all of the beautiful places on this Earth…many places that I will probably never see in person, BUT there is hope in this new Earth where Jesus will be King. Sin will not be around anymore…. I mean just imagine such a world! Yes, God is making a new Heaven and a new Earth where Jesus will be King. Let’s stop to think a moment… who would you like to see on this new Earth with you? Are you afraid someone that you love will be missing?  We can’t save people, but we can help to plant a seed in their hearts… that they will go on to ask to be saved. Angels rejoice when God’s children find their way back to Him.

*Side note, angles were given the chance to sin and those that did, the angel, Lucifer and 1/3rd of the angels that sinned with him against God are to spend eternity in Hell. (Matthew 25:45-46)

I am thankful today for God’s grace, sacrifice and love.

New from last week: My mom went to get PET scan results this past Tuesday and sadly the cancer has returned. It is in the top of her spine (causing her to have severe pain), it’s in her hip, and various lymph nodes. The Dr. said that it is a stage 4 now (it was a 3c breast cancer). He is going to begin with radiation and another type of chemotherapy. Your continued prayers mean so much! Thank you dear people.

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